A Simple Exercise for Harmony

Have you ever spent time watching small children at a park? You will usually see a difference between the boys and girls in their behavior. Boys are more aggressive in their play, while the girls are gentler and nurturing. This is a simplified and general observation, but I hope you get my point. These are in most cases natural inclinations of the genders. Certain conditions may cause the genders to respond differently. But the natural inclinations remain.

You might have heard the term “Men are from One Planet and Women are from Another”. Yes, we are different and that’s okay. We were designed to be. It’s those same differences that attract us to each other. I hear you…those differences also drive us crazy at times! So, instead of struggling with “why is he or she so different and why can’t they be this way or think like me”. Relax and learn how to embrace the differences. By doing this:

  • Your appreciation for each will grow.
  • The connection between you two will get stronger.
  • Harmony will subdue disagreement.

Start accepting the differences, willingly and enthusiastically. The change starts with you.

Question: Could embracing the differences between men and women help in a non-romantic relationship as well? You can leave a comment.

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