Although both men and women need to be respected, a man translates respect into love. It makes him want to be a better man when he is respected by the woman he adores. To most men respect is of great importance. The validation from his woman will inspire and stimulate him to do great things. While the opposite will cause humiliation and his heart to grow cold. I have asked many women throughout the years how do men define love and very few would get the answer right.

While some loving women know things that men consider respectful, there is a surprising number of women who do not know what men consider to be disrespectful. Any kind of emasculation is disrespectful to a man. If the emasculation continues for a period of time, she will lose him emotionally and in worst case scenarios physically too.

Emasculate – to make (a man) feel less masculine: to deprive (a man) of his male strength, role, etc.

This is exactly what you don’t want to do in a relationship ladies! I can almost see some of you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to see what those things are! You are in good company because that’s usually how it is when I talk to women in person too. Here are a few examples:

  • Making him feel that he is not needed
  • Revealing his personal business
  • Making his feelings of little importance
  • Making yourself unavailable to him in any way
  • Manipulating him
  • Ignoring him

Yes! The same things would be disrespectful to a woman as well, but a man will check out faster on matters of disrespect. The man was created to be masculine, so anything that’s going to conflict with his natural inclination is going to be detrimental to him. I believe the man was given a charge to lead by his Creator (I said lead, not abuse). I spoke earlier about the man needing to be needed. It’s in his nature to be this way. Just like it’s in your nature to be loved, desired, and cherished. A wise man knows this and will give this with all that’s within him to the woman that he loves and respects him in return.

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