A feminine woman will get the heart of her man!

James had been in at least a couple of significant relationships like other men his age. James thought he knew what love was, though he had experienced it at its height and depth. But that was before he met Catherine.

James: I still remember our first encounter as if it were yesterday. As the elevator doors opened on the lobby level of my apartment building. My eyes were immediately drawn to this wavy-haired, curvaceous, full-figured woman. Our eyes met. In that split second, we seemed to plant seeds in each other’s minds that grew into full-blossomed smiles! She had me before, hello! This was the beginning of many brief elevator and lobby encounters. I couldn’t get that woman out of my mind! It’s years later, and I still can’t!

Catherine: When the elevator doors opened that day. Standing before me was this tall, dark, and handsome man! It was an instant attraction between us. He most definitely made me feel a certain kind of way! After that day, I would see him whenever I arrived home from work in the lobby, waiting for the elevator. I thought it was a coincidence that I would see him there in the evenings. Until he told me months later that he would watch out the window when he came home from work waiting to see me. Once he saw my dog go past the window to do her business, he knew I was there, too. James would then run down the three flights of stairs to get to the lobby before I did. He would then come around the corner as if he was getting there. This was so he could say hi! He didn’t ask me my name until a few weeks later… LOL!

James and Catherine are fun and exciting to watch. They are a very affectionate and passionate couple. James stated that he knows what loving, cherishing, and adoring a woman means. When asked what made it different for him this time, he said one of the major things was her femininity.

In today’s culture, many believe that femininity is a weakness. In reality, it is one of women’s precious attributes!


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